A multi-million selling series written and illustrated by Laurence Anholt.

Artwork from 'Cezanne and the Apple Boy'


This long-established introduction to great art for young readers is unique in many ways – 


·              Each book is designed as a first introduction to a much-loved artist, such as Frida Kahlo, Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Paul Cezanne, Degas, Leonardo and many more.


·              The stories come alive for young readers because the events are seen through the eyes of a real child who knew the artist.


·              The series is based on extensive research. In many cases, Laurence has had direct contact with family members of the artists. For      example, the story behind PICASSO AND THE GIRL WITH A PONYTAIL was related directly to Laurence by Sylvette David – Picasso’s young muse of 1954.


·              This is the only series to be written and illustrated by Laurence Anholt, who has a Master’s Degree from the Royal Academy in London.


·              The books can be found in schools, galleries and museums throughout the world in many languages


·              Over 30 years this much-loved series has been sold by the million. The books have been adapted as full-scale ballets, animations, and most recently a full-scale stage production in South Korea.

An illustration from 'Camille and the Sunflowers'


Titles in the ANHOLT’S ARTISTS series

Camille and the Sunflowers

Degas and the Little Dancer

The Magical Garden of Claude Monet

Leonardo and the Flying Boy

Picasso and the Girl With a Ponytail

Frida Kahlo and the Bravest Girl in the World

Cezanne and the Apple Boy

Matisse, King of Colour

Anholt’s Artists Activity Book